Monday 10 February 2014

Cinema 4D - Activity 1 Holes

 Firstly I got a cogwheel out of the free hand spline tool and then got a circle and scaled it so that the circle was smaller than the cogwheel. I then made the spline editable by going on the object menu.

I then created a extrude NURBS object, and dropped in both  splines to get an extrude of that shape. I then connected the two spline and dropped the new connected outlines to the Nurbs object . It then makes a hole.
This is what the final piece of the hole cogwheel looks like. As you can see there is a hole in the centre of the object.

Cinema 4D activity 2 Holes

 I started off by getting a sphere from objects and also getting a cube. This part was easy. 
I then make a Boolean object from the add array object menu and inserted both the sphere and cube into it. I changed the Boolean type to A - B. What this does is it will take the cube away from the sphere and make a hole into the object.
This is what the finished but looked like.  This is normally used for making shapes more complicated, or for when shapes need uneven surfaces like for instance you could use this method for using cheese.