Thursday 12 December 2013

3D modelling- How to make a tap

Firstly I started off by a square I did this by going on objects and then primitives and pressing on a square, I had to change the cube's size so that the width is 1000m and the segment is 8, the height is 20m and the segment at 1 and the depth at 300m and and the segment being 3. I then had to switch to polygon mode by going on tools and going on polygons, and went on live mode and clicked on the 4 middle slates. I then went to the extrude tool by going on structures, and putting 150m in the off put field. I then went onto the co-ordinates manager and put 30 in the p which is under rotation.

I then went back on the active tool and did the same again, by going on extrude and  putting 150m in the off put field. I then going onto the co-ordinates manager and put 30 in the p which is under rotation.

I then did this again but instead of putting 30 in the p which is in rotation, i put in 20.  I found this part quite hard because it kept separating in the middle so I had to restart it again, because I forgot to press the extrusion on one of the parts. I then went on normal scale which was in structure and scaled the polygons down to 50%.

I then switched it back to extrude tool and extrude it by 200m on the offset . I then rotated it again by 10% which again was put under p under rotation in the coordinates manager. I then extrude it again 100m and then again 150m. 

I then had to select the 2 bottom polygons and extruded these 100m. I then went on structure and went on extrude inner tool and input 30m in the offset and then went on the extrude tool and put in the offset field -150m

I then put a hyper nurbs, by going on objects and going on nurbs and dragging it on the cube which it then should look like this. 

For the nobs of the sick I then had to hide the tap which by clicking on the top grey dot on the right of the object manager until it turns red.

I then had to go back on polygon mode and clicked the side faces and then went on extrude and put them at 150m 

I then switched to normal scale tool which is on structures and then scaled them down to 50%. Then went back on the extrude tool to 50m, Then switched back to normal scale tool and input 200 percent in the active tool dialog 

I then extruded the polygons again by 200m and selected the top middle polygon and extruded that to 10m. 

Then I clicked on the show button so it showed the top of the tap and moved the tap handle, were I moved it across 400cm.   

I then made the tap like 

I then put the marble 9

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