Monday 9 December 2013

Modelling a Pillar in cinema 4D

I first had to make a cube I did this by clicking on the cube object and pressed on cube this is what it came up on. You have to have a base for anything and by clicking on a shape in the shape object you can create anything from a simple shape.
I then went on the side option and wet on object properties and changed the sizes to 200m, 45m, 200m. I then  pressed on the fillet button and made the radius 4m, and then did the subdivision.
After I did the object properties it then looked like this I then duplicated the cube and changed the name so I knew which cube it was. I then changed the object properties on that cube to 150m, 45m, 150m and the fillet the same. I then got the move tool and went along the y axis to make it like the base of the pillar as you can see below. 

I then had to get a cogwheel. I did this by going on the free hand spline and then going to the plane which is in a box at the size were i went on object properties before and laid the image flat by pressing the xz on the plane option.I then had to change the object properties, the teeth was put to 20, inner radius 57m, middle radius 58m, outer radius 60m. I then needed to stretch the cogwheel. I did this by going on the hyer nurbs object and going on the extrude nurb button.

To finish it off I copied and pasted the 2 boxes that I made at the start I then dragged the 2 boxes up on the y axis u til it got to the top of the pillar, I then added a  marble colour on the pillars and put a light on it as you can see and also a sky.

This is a what it looked like when I rendered it.

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