Thursday 5 December 2013

what the buttons are used for in cinema 4d

This is the bar tool which has most of the thing you need for cinema 4D.

The first 2 buttons buttons are used for undoing and redoing your work. This button was really helpful when I was doing my robot because I didn't know what buttons I was using I could go back and restart again, or go forward when I thought it looked alright.

The pink button next to the yellow buttons is used to click on individual edges and to move them or edit them to make the shape perfect for you to move or if you want to select your points. I used this tool a little bit for when I was doing the finishing touches to my robot.

The 3 turquoise colours next to the pink button are for moving rotating and scaling to size the object. These are used all the time are are one of the most used buttons on cinema 4D. They are really easy to use. I used them a lot when I was doing my robot, I had to scale the squares so they looked liked robot hands and legs ect. And also rotating the arm so that it came out from the robot.

By clicking on any of the 3 red buttons you lock or unlock the x,y, and z axis so that your object stays the same and can only limit your self to a certain direction you can go to. These buttons are used but mainly on more advanced software and animation because most people just use the x,y, and z arrow keys to move the object.

The next button is purple and this lets you switch from use world and the object co-ordination system. It lets you see where the object will be. For example if you locked the x and y axis and moved the object it will go on the x axis.

The green buttons are render active view button which lets you see the object as how it would look. This is a really useful tool because it is like a preview button to let you see what it would look finished. It just basically used for checking the scene in the active view.

The blue button is for searching and getting shapes, this button has so many shapes and is the main structure for any creation on cinema 4D. after you have choosen your shape you then have converted the shape to polygon objects by using the first button on the left hand bar, this allows you to edit your shape to whatever you want it to be.

The yellow button is called the spline button, what this button does is it is the line tool and you can make arches and circular shapes this is a very useful tool when you want to make something a bit more complex.

The dark orange tool is called the  HyperNURBS object this is one of the most important tools that you can use as well as useful. The reason for this is because it smoothens out the edges and makes the objects automatically look rounder and smoother. you can then pull points out and make it into whatever shape you want because it's really easy to play with.

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