Thursday 5 December 2013

How To Make A Robot On Cinema 4D

First I started off by going on the blue cube on the bar, which brought up a box like this. I then had to scale it by going on the 5th button across and scaling it to size to make the body. I then added another box and used the same process. I had to use the editing button so that I could move them about to the right position. I picked it up quite easily it was hard at first but once I got use to the buttons it was alright to use the basics. 
This is my robot nearly finished, I had to use the all round camera which shows every angle of the x,y and z axis , this was really useful because I could then make my robot come together and make this. Once I got the base of the robot I then had to start doing the eyes and mouth. I did this by copy and pasting the square of the head and scaling it to size.

This was when I finished doing the eyes and, I was rotating it by pressing the rotation button to make it to the angle I wanted it at. I then went back on the all view screen, so that I could see if it looked right.

I then pressed content browser which is on the bar above, it then came up with a load of options, scroll down to materials and then onto anisotropic and pressed on radius 5. This radius is like a metal shape, and looks really good for robots.

With this I then went back on the browser and went on marble 3 which looked really nice for the floor, but first I had to put a light on it by pressing on the light object on the bar tool and pressing on the sun light button. I then changed the angle of the man so he was facing away from the camera.
This is what my robot looked like before I rendered it. You can see the marble floor and the robot facing away it really looks like it coming together. 

I then added another robot by grouping the robot together and copy and pasted it and moved the robot, so that it looks like they are going to shake hands. I then put a shadow on them to give it a bit more realism to the lighting.
This is what my robots look like when I have rendered them as you can see the shadow on the marble floor and from the image above to this one it looks really different,

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