Tuesday 10 December 2013

How To Make A Wine Glass On Cinema 4D

Firstly I had to get an image, I did this by going on the all view button on the side, and going on the edit button and went down to the configure, and went to the attributes  and clicked on the viewport and clicked on the back button as you can see I went to images and got an image of wine glass.

I then had to go on the spline object and click in on the Belize tool. I then did a point in the middle of the wine glass and clicked and dragged it. I clicked on another point at the top and curved it around which was quite tricky to do and took me a couple of attempts to get it right.
I then pressed on the live action tool button and went the rest of the way around. I then had to press the shift button to get in stem of the wine glass right I used the shift tool so that it kept the first point at the same size but I can move the other one freely. Once that was done I smoothed it out and clicked on the all view button and clicked on the perspective view.

Once I got it on the perspective view I clicked on the HyperNURBS and clicked on the Lathe NURBS tool, and it ended like this. which I thought looks like a wine glass.

to get it like this I went on content browser and clicked on cinema4D and then on add ons and then on materials and clicked on basic and went on glass 4. And clicked don the glass. I then went back to materials and went on fabric challenge and picked a fabric.

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