Tuesday 14 January 2014

1st Model - Weight Lifting Equitment For The Gym

Firstly I started off with a cube which I got from the object tool, to make the cube  flexible  I pressed the editable button so that I can edit the square as I wanted it.
I then got the square object and used the scale tool so that I can shape it into the base of the weight lifting equipment. the measurements for the first leg was: size; X=102 m, Y=26 m, Z= 39 m. I then got another cube and pressed the edit tool, and used the measurements X=417 m,Y=26 m, Z=39 m.
I then copied and pasted the first cube that I edited and X axis along until it got to the end of the second cube. I then did the same to the second cube and used the rotation tool to rotate it 90 degrees. To make it look like this.
I then looked at the front view of the structure I have created and sorted it all out so that they were in the right places. I then copied and pasted the long piece, and used the Y axis to make it the same position as the one at the bottom. I then copied another one and rotated it 90 degrees. So you get a structure like this.
I then used went on the front view, and clicked on the knife tool in structure, I cut two lines to were I want to extrude to make the weight holders. I then clicked o the matrix extrude tool which is in structure as well and extruded it -60 to give it the upward curve.
I then made the bench, How I did this was I went on objects and clicked on cylinder. The cylinder came up and I rotated it 90 degrees. I then used the scale tool to make the size. X=175 m , Y=690 m and Z=41m
This is the front view of the wight machine so far. As you can see all the points are lined up, which I wanted them to be like.
Then I had to make the bar for the weights to go. Again I went on the shape object and clicked on the cylinder object. I then used the scale tool and scaled the size to X= 16.5 m, Y=791.5 m, Z=16.5 m, I then added the bottom base to the structure. I copied the long bottom piece and rotated it 90 degrees,then copied this to make the middle body. I then copied the small middle back piece and scaled it to make it hold together the structure. I then copied this again and rotated it 90 degrees and scaled it down.
To make the weights I simply got a cylinder and scaled it down to size. The first weight at the back has the sizes X=121 m, Y=29 m and Z= 110 m. I then copied the weight and put it onto the other size. For the other weight the measurements were X= 91m, Y=27.5 m and Z=89m.

After I finished everything and tidied everything up I decided to add a bit of colour to it to make it look more like an actual thing. I decided to make my own materials from scratch. I did a black mat colour for the legs. A dark grey for the weights and a light grey colour for the bench. I then looks on a few of the benches and made the bar which is holding the weights metal.

This is my finished piece when it has been rendered. As you can see the colours work well together, and looks more like a weight machine that you use in the gym.

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