Tuesday 7 January 2014

Mesh Construction - Extrusion Modelling

Lath, Loft, sweep and extrude are all forms of extrusion modelling. Th extrusion tool is mostly used by artists because it quick and simple to do, they use it t create faces and heads in modelling. How you do this is to create a 2D shape and trace the outline of the shape. You then get a different photograph of the same image but with a different angle and extrude the 2d shapes into 3D by following the shapes outline. You then connect the two shapes together to make sure the image is symmetrical.

Loft is a technique used in 3D modelling, it's a type of wireframe in a 3D object. This technique is used mainly by using splines. You would start off with the object and modifying the primitive shape. You can also create splines which can be converted into so that you can edit meshes, you can use either way. Game designs use the Loft for 3D objects so that they can make the game comes to life more, with the models and to improve the performance of the characters in the game.


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