Tuesday 28 January 2014

Problems I Had With My Models

(Model 1) weight lifting bench
The weight lifting bench was really hard to do because I was new to cinema 4D so I was getting use to the tools and things and even though I did the wine glass and the pillar.

The first problem I encountered was the matrix extrude tool, to get the hooks to hold the weights on. I didn't know what it would do I just knew it extruded, but when I looked on youtube on how to it, I eventually after trail and error got use to the matrix tool and got to grips with it.

I also had trouble with the weights ' in the how to do it' blog is different because I expanded and made changes to them because I thought it made the weight bench more realistic.

(Model 2) - Running Machine

The first problems I had with my Running machine was the extruding the sides because even though I tried to get all the faces there was one or two that just didn't want to get picked so every time I tried to extrude it left the faces out so it didn't look smooth. I had to do this a few times until I got it right.

Another piece that I had problems with was the extruding on the screen because it was quite tricky to extrude it when it had a fillet onto it but after a few tries at it I managed to do it.

(Model 3) - Water cooler
The problems I had with the water cooler wasn't much because it was fairly straight forward, the only problem I had was at the end with putting the water into the water cooler to make it look more realistic. I found this hard because there wasn't a lot of materials to go off and I didn't know how to make it look like it had water into it.

If I was to do a water cooler again, I would add extra accessories to it for example cup holders and cups and maybe water coming out of the tap.

(Model 4) - Rowing Machine
At first I din't know where to start with my rowing machine, I tried a few different ways of how to do it but with no success.  But then I learnt about the bezier tool and made the shape out of that in the side view.

Another problem I had with the rowing machine was the extrusion were the screen sits on it. It took me a few attempts to get it alright but I ended up using the bezier tool.

(Model 5) - The File
With the File I didn't have much problem at all because it was quite straight forward. The only problem I had was getting the right size of a rectangle to make it look more realistic.

(Model 6) - The Multi Gym
With the multi gym there was a couple of things that I had trouble with. The first one was with the arc that helps the structure. What I had trouble with was to how to do the arc. I tried to do do two cubes and then bridge the it to make it come together. I then tried to do the bezier tool and do the side view, But at the end I did a cube and extruded to and rotated the object to make it look more realistic.

I also had a problem with the layout and the poisoning of the multi gym because of the picture I modelled it off, but after a couple of attempts I got the hand of it.

(Model 7) - Exercise Bike
With the exercise bike I had trouble with the extrusion to were the bike pedals where suppose to go. I tried it a few times but it didn't seem to work. At the end I realise that I had to click on the button to actually apply the extrusion otherwise it wouldn't work.

(Model 8) - Weight Storage
With the weights I didn't have much of a problem. I just need to remember to click the whole object instead of just clicking the face and to stop modelling in just 3D i need to use the other views as well.

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