Tuesday 7 January 2014

Geometric Theory

vertices are used all the time in computer graphics, they define the corners and the surfaces of the 3D objects, Verticals are points that explain the corners of the geometric shapes. In cinema 4D you can edit the vertices so that you can change the shape of the model. Vertices can be use on complex shapes to smooth it out or too add more things to the object.

Vertex is a basic object in mesh modelling. It is were two verticals get connected by a straight line and this becomes an edge. The simplest polygon is a triangle which are three verticals connected together to make three edges. A group of polygons is normally called an element, this is a group of triangles or quads. A face are the polygons that make up the element.

Lines in cinema 4d is quite stright forward and from a line you can create a new object. With a line you can make it into a spline and put a lathe on it, to make it into a 3D object. Verticals can also be added in cinema 4d and can be made to make unusual shapes and objects.

An edge in cinema 4D is two lines connected and is the connection between them. A edge is known as a connection of two verticals. Something you can do with an edge is if you put it in an editable position you can make all kinds of objects.


  1. 'It is were two verticals get connected by a straight line and this becomes an edge.'

    Nice grammar.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 'A face are the polygons that make up the element._'

    Nice underscore.
    Nice grammar.

  4. The fact that you are even here my friend, shows you need help with the assignment. How about you silently understand and take in the information presented to you... and then move on, instead of being a retard. I hope you can muster up the good will to credit the author, you degenerate.
